Friday, August 17, 2012

Revan Journals 5

Jedi Exile Log 1

These are the records of Mian Ariel, Jedi Weapons Master and founder of the resurrected Jedi order. Now that a new council has been formed I feel I must ensure that the order’s history is preserved. In this log entry I will record what has transpired in recent history and what the plan is for moving forward.
The last remnants of the Sith Triumvirate have been defeated, as well as the last pockets of Revan’s Sith Empire.  Those who have been captured, including former Jedi Master Atris, are now facing trial for treason and will be processed quickly through the courts. However, the Empress that started this whole mess has yet to show herself. From what I understand, Revan has been missing for 3 years and shows no signs of returning.
As one of her former generals, I understand much about her; however, I don’t understand this. I cannot understand why she would simply disappear without a trace. Was this disappearance on purpose? Revan always did cover her tracks... But running away simply isn’t her. Hmmm... I must investigate this further.  The Jedi Order needs to be rebuilt and I could use all the help I can get. If Revan’s location can be determined and she can be brought back, then the Jedi will have one more mentor to train new recruits. Perhaps there are clues in the Jedi Temple’s archives or security camera’s regarding what happened to her? Tomorrow I will investigate there.

Jedi Exile Log 2

Today was a fruitful day. Upon investigating the Jedi Temple logs and cameras, I discovered that Revan was captured and taken to Malachor V. She was there for a year and then resigned from the Jedi Order. After this, there are no further signs of her attempting to contact the Republic nor does she ever land on any Republic worlds.
From my investigation, it would seem that she hasn’t changed since the war. From reading her report, I think she resigned because she blamed the Jedi on what happened to Juhani, a companion of hers.  She constantly did this during the Mandalorian Wars, The Jedi did this... the Jedi did that...  to the Jedi Council, not the Jedi would joined her, being the one’s responsible for the battle being a failure.  However, I mustn’t be too hard on her. It’s not easy witnessing the death of a friend, but it is easy to cast the blame of that friend’s death to anyone and everyone in the galaxy.
Tomorrow I’ll meet with Matilda, one of my closest friends in the Revanchist. She said she could expand on the information I’ve gathered and perhaps give a clue as to Revan’s whereabouts. Let’s hope she’s not here to play games. She was, after all, one of my first friends to follow Revan all the way into the distant sunset and re-emerge as a Sith.

Jedi Exile Log 3

So, it turns out Kreia wasn’t lying about something: Revan did venture into the Unknown Regions. What is it with her and travelling there? Let’s hope a mass fleet doesn’t join her for the return trip this time. Carth and Matilda, now Sera Degana, have told me that she has changed now and isn’t the cold, hardened war monger that I once knew. Well, I’ll believe their words when and/or if I see Revan again.
However, I will give Rev the benefit of the doubt. This benefit is not given blindly. Did you know Revan had a lover? She and Juhani got romantically involved quickly after the Jedi Civil War ended. I remember a time when she wanted nothing to do with romantic attachments and believed those who did were weak fools.  In fact, she didn’t like personal attachments at all. If you weren’t Malak, Sera, or myself you were just another grunt at best or an expendable one at worst. If Revan truly has changed, then perhaps I should go after her?
This is something I’ve thought about quite a bit. Should I venture from known space in search of the famous prodigal knight, Revan?  A part of me wants to see this “new Revan” first hand, but if I were to chase after her, I would fulfill my traitorous master’s dying wish...  No, I will not give Kreia that satisfaction. Furthermore, I’m my own person and I refuse to keep chasing after Revan. Anyway, my investigation was more for settling curiosity, not preparation for a woman hunt. Now that I have a better hint of Revan’s whereabouts, I can present it to the Jedi Council, and that should be the end of the issue. 

Jedi Exile Log 4

Today the Jedi Council met. We discussed the people who were captured and my investigation into Revan’s whereabouts. The few people that were captured were remnants of Revan’s Empire. For the most part, we’ve decided to put them in the best maximum security prisons the Republic has to offer. We also decided that Master Atris will share their fate. We reasoned to treat her otherwise could risk giving the impression that a redeemed fallen Jedi was above the law and gets special treatment.
In regards to my investigation, nobody really knows what should be done. Some believe Revan should be found. She has too many secrets that need to remain secret.  She betrayed us once, what makes us think she won’t do so again? Other people said we should leave her alone. If she wants to be up and gone without a trace, then who are we to stop her? After all, we must use our resources to rebuild the Jedi Order and the Republic, not some lost gal.
A few Jedi thought I should go after her. Brianna’s logic was that I know Revan the most, have explored more of the outer rim and beyond, and I was the most experienced.  Other Jedi, like Mical and Visa, voiced against me departing. I’m needed here and to leave at such a critical hour could open up the possibility for the new Jedi Order to collapse.  This part of the discussion caused conflicting emotions and thoughts to develop within me. A part of me wants to go after her but the Jedi Order needs me. Should I really leave now, at such a critical hour? Is there even a Revan worth finding in deep space?
I have no idea. I should sleep and this and decide tomorrow morning. After all, this decision shouldn’t be made lightly. I have feeling either option will have consequences for my life and potentially the galaxy’s.

Jedi Exile Log 5

I’ve been a bit busy to write in here lately. Why? I’m on the Orion heading towards Deep Space with Sera Degana. That’s right, I’m off to find Revan and try to bring her back to the Republic. I’m fulfilling Kreia’s dying wish, as well as the will of the council, and satisfying my own curiosity. Nothing like another adventure... Am I   thrilled about it? Not in a million years.
I can’t believe I’m running after Revan again! It’s like the force has doomed me to forever follow after Revan, regardless of whether it’s a voluntary move on my part. I went to fight in the Mandalorian Wars because I wanted to defend the innocent and protect the helpless from an occupying force.  Now, I’m sent out by a new Jedi Council that I firmly believe needs my help more than Revan does.
Sigh... I shouldn’t be thinking like this. Revan is my friend, after all- or rather, she was my friend. I haven’t spoken to her in 10 years. 10 years ago  the Mandalorian Wars ended and I remember what happened after Malachor V. Revan came to me all full of pride: The Mass Shadow Generator was a huge success and now it was time to chase the enemy further into deep space.
She said to me, “Mian, smile won’t you? We did it! The enemy has been defeated completely and utterly. Come celebrate with me.”
I didn’t answer right away, for I didn’t know what to say. A part of me wanted to smile back and go join the parties. However, another part of me knew that something wasn’t right about my senses... It was almost as if they had been warped. There was also another part that was disgusted at what I had done. Finally I replied, “Revan... I’m not sure I want to go celebrate with you. At least not right now...”
Revan replied, “Why? Your order solidified our victory! You should be proud. You didn’t hold back...”
I replied to her, “Yeah, and I laid waste to the Mandalorians, slaughtered practically three-quarters of the Republic fleet, and destroyed a planet...”
Revan interrupted me, “Mian, don’t talk like that. The Mandalorians did worse on other worlds. It’s about time they got a good taste of their own medicine. Vengeance is sweet, isn’t it?”
I was shocked that she said that but I wasn’t surprised. She had done nothing but get worse and worse as the war carried on. I finally asked her, “You’re proud of what I did- of what we did? Oh my... You’re happy that good and loyal soldiers were destroyed? You’re proud that we became the enemy we sought out to defeat?”
Revan replied, “I am. Shouldn’t you be? Not only did we destroy the enemy, but we also got rid of soldiers that used up their purpose. All in all, a win-win situation...”
“Can you not hear yourself? They were our men, living beings!! And you just sat back and allowed them to be slaughtered... I cannot believe I saw this through to the end. I can’t believe that I actually...”
Revan replied, “You’re acting like I’ve become a monster. I am only a general in the Republic military. Personally, I cannot believe that I’m hearing all this from you. Don’t forget, if it weren’t for us the Mandalorians would’ve won and we’d be under their rule.”
I looked her into her masked eyes and said, “I don’t know what I’d prefer, Revan: The Mandalorians ruling the Republic or this victory, because either way we've become exactly what we sought to destroy in the end.”
Revan removed her infamous mask to look me in the eye and said, “What are you saying Mian? Are you walking away from me?”
I replied, “No. I’m walking away from what you’ve become. I’m leaving the Revanchist, Revan! I refuse to go with you into deep space and I will not try to explain away what we’ve become. No, I’ll go somewhere, anywhere but I won’t stay here!”
With that I turned around and stormed off the bridge. I quickly went to my quarters and gathered anything and I needed and hopped on the fastest ship in the hangar with light speed capabilities and flew away. Revan tried to hail my ship a few of times, but I disregarded any and every transmission she sent.  It wasn’t until 5 months later that I went back to the Jedi Council to stand trial for my actions. Even to this day, I still cannot understand why I did what I did... I can’t even tell people whether or not I even think following Revan to war was a great idea. All I can say is that I will not run away from what became of that decision and the person it built me into today.
Well, Revan, all I can say is that I better not be following the woman I left behind all those years ago. Otherwise, I’ll just turn around, and forget your very existence.

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