Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Me and Aspie- A Poem

Me and Aspie
I wake up to the world,
And she sends me into a whirl.
She is both a friend and an enemy.
Her name is Aspie.

Aspie is an interesting crook;
Through her eyes I must look.
Somedays she is a positive means to an end.
Those are the days when she is my friend.
Other days she makes me fight to look in your eye.
She misunderstands body language, even though I try.
You may not touch, you may not hug.
Instead of your eyes, I'll look at the rug.

I want to go out;
Aspie wants to stay home.
I want to socialize and shout;
Aspie wants to be quiet and alone.

I want to go downstairs and mingle;
Aspie wants me upstairs and single.
I want to go to work and make money;
Aspie wants me to stay home alone and eat honey.

Somedays we fight.
Somedays we don't.
Somedays I give into her plight.
Somedays I won't.

She helps me focus,
She helps me work.
She's a butterfly and a locus
She's a colleage and crook

She inihibits my social skills;
She blocks my social will.
Through Aspie I am obsessive;
Through Aspie I am compulsive.

Aspie can be dominating,
But she is not destroying.
Behind her is my Saviour
And He rules over her.

God, I can't do it today.
Aspie wants to hide me away.
She is a thorn I often fight all day long.
Thankfully in weakness, God is perfectly strong.

Aspie cannot rule me,
For God is my victory.
To Christ Aspie submits.
In Him Aspie is finished.

God, make Aspie a friend today.
Lord, in me have your way.
On my own, I'm helpless;
With God, I have strength that is endless.

(c) Andrena LeBlanc
In this poem I tell about how having aspergers can be quite the struggle at times and the only way I get out of bed on some days is when I call upon God for the strength to do it. Does God answer? Of course He answers in more ways than one. In the poem I personified aspergers into the person Aspie. Enjoy!

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