Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Can I Place My Faith?

Can I Place My Faith?
Can I place my faith,
in this chair when I sit?
Can I place my faith,
and relax in it?

Can I trust in the sun?
Can I trust in the moon?
Can I depend on daylight to shine?
Can I trust the moon to glow?

If I go to the stop at the corner,
will the bus eventually come?
If I go to the bank,
will my money still be there?

Will the grocery store always be full?
Will Wal-Mart’s prices always be low?

Can I have faith in nature?
Can I put any trust in the world?
If people make a promise,
can I rely on them to keep their word?

I put faith in nature and the world.
I trust people at their word.
I put my faith in things from the world.
What about the One in heaven?

Can I have faith in God above?
Can I trust in His love?
Can I depend on the Lord of hosts?
Can I believe He is close?

Can I go to church and trust in Him?
Can I trust He’ll hear, even when my voice is thin?
 Can I believe God is there?
Can I trust He heard my prayer?

Do I believe God rises the sun?
Is He there when I am having fun?
Can I thank Him when I don’t have to push or pull,
and my stomach is nice and full?

Can I trust God when life is empty?
Can I have faith when I feel lost and dumb?
Is God real when I’m cold and numb?
Do I have faith when I’m on the run?

Is God my God when life is high?
Is He Lord when my grades are good and my mouth isn’t dry?
Can I have faith in God above?
Can I depend on His unfailing love?

Is God my God when I’m bored?
Is He there when I’m being ignored?
Do I still have faith when life is hard?
Is He the Lord if I get no reward?

It’s subjective how one answers these.
Yet hear me, if you please.
The answer to all of them is yes.
God is God during times of chaos and times of rest.

There is more to faith, then religion.
There is more to trust then going to church.
It includes sitting in a chair that you hope won’t break.
It involves driving across a bridge that may drop you in a lake.

Faith trusts in God when times are tough.
Faith obeys God when life is rough.
Faith believes in God when my fridge is empty.
Faith is when I give prayers of thanks to God when no roof covers me. 

Can I have faith in a chair?
Can I have faith in the Lord?
God knows every hair.
God knows when I’m happy and when I’m bored.

If I can place faith in my chair,
I can place my faith in my God.
Just like I trust shining stars,
I have faith in the God who is near and far.

Poem Description
This poem is in response to a prompt called faith. The prompt asks, "This weeks theme is Faith. Is Faith really just religion? Is it more like trust?" In my poem, my answer is that faith is not just religion. Rather it incorporates almost everything we do from having faith that the chair you sit in won't break underneath you to having faith that God is listening when you pray. When it comes to spirituality, my faith in God through Jesus Christ allows me to stand up underneath the trials that life brings me and emerge a better person than I was at the beginning. 

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