Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Revan Journals 2

Entry 5- Meeting with Sera Degana
Sera Degana used to be my handpicked, highly trained, personal assassin. When she was travelling with us on the Ebon Hawk she told me about how she became a part of the Revanchist after a rally Malak and I did to recruit Jedi on Dantooine. Now, she is a member of the Orion crew and travelling with her soon-to-be husband Kobayashi and Mec Han'ic. When I met her for lunch on Coruscant, I could not help but admire her and how much she had changed in the past months since her Jedi master's death.
Sera's Jedi Master, Solomon, blamed me for his pupil's fall to the dark side and loss of the identity she had while under his tutelage. He accused me of turning her into a shell and wanted to avenge the person she once was by killing me. What he failed to understand was that Sera, and so many of the other Jedi who followed me, had a choice to make and that they were just as equally to blame for their fall as I was. His reasoning saw himself change from a Jedi Master to a shell whose sole purpose was seeking revenge.  It is ironic how fear, misdirected anger, and self righteousness can shape us into what we fear or hate the most without us even realizing what we have become.
When I met with Shadow, she gave me a booklet of some of the things I wrote down during the Mandalorian Wars. One of them was a poem I wrote after the first battle I fought in. When I got home I read it and I was shocked about how quickly I cast aside the Jedi code like that. This proves how inexperienced I was at warfare and guarding myself against the lure of the dark side. The further I dived into those documents, the more I realized what a monster I had become. No wonder I so willingly knelt at the figure in my dream, as in many ways I was already one of them.
Anyway, at the luncheon I was amazed at how much she had changed. "When did you learn how to speak basic, Sera?"
Sera replied, "Oh, I've always known how to speak it, but I just chose not to. Unfortunately so many people I've met while travelling on the Orion doesn't know Ryl, so I just started to speak basic. By the way, here is your invitation to my wedding."
I answered her, "Thank you. I will do my best to be there."
Sera asked, "Revan, you seem a bit preoccupied. Is something wrong?"
I replied, "I won't lie to you, something is wrong and only you hold the answers and the possible solution."
Sera looked confused, "What do you mean?"
I cautiously asked, "Sera, what happened at the end of the Mandalorian Wars? Where did I lead us to that completed our fall to the dark side?"
Sera replied, "We went to a place of terrible darkness that the Republic and Jedi had thought long dead."
I replied, "Sera, I need more information than that. You see, I received a vision last night that I think was both an event from my past and a prophecy of what is to come."
Sera shook her head, "Revan, I cannot be specific about what we found in deep space here, as it is too dangerous. What I can say is that you discovered a star map on Kashyyyk that talked about the Star Forge. For the most part, you ignored it until the war was over. When we left deep space you explained that in order to be fully indoctrinated into that society, we had to go to Korriban, Dantooine, and Manaan in order to discover what the Star Map on Kashyyyk tried to point us to."
I replied, "This society I wanted to be assimilated to- What was it like?"
Sera replied, "In many ways, it was like the Sith Empire you wanted to build. It was a society of darkness that believed in the survival of the fittest. However, it had a focus as the people there worked together in building and working in order to achieve a certain goal in the distant future.   I'm not sure what the goal was and I don't know their leader."
I continued with my questions, "How long were we there?"
"6 months," she answered, "Your original intentions were to destroy whatever we found but when we got to that location in deep space and landed on the planet, you changed your mind."
I looked up from my lunch and asked, "I did? Why?"
Sera looked down and then replied in a whispered voice, "You embraced their teachings long before we got there. Your fall started at the end of our first battle but you introduced us to their teachings at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V."
I thought to myself and asked, "Could the academy still be there? I know we destroyed that planet with the Mass Shadow Generator..."
Sera continued, "I believe that academy is still there as when you were the Dark Lord you took it over with the help of your old Jedi Master and her two apprentices. If Jedi were not sent to the Korriban Academy or the Star Forge's world to be turned, they were sent there. Once they fell to the dark side, they were trained. "
I sighed and spoke quietly, "Don't tell me I caused my Jedi Master to fall to the dark side along with the other members of the Revanchist..."
Sera shook her head, "I don't believe you did. In fact, I'd say she fell long before you did."
I asked, "Sera, do you have an image of my old Jedi Master."
She nodded and flipped the documents she gave me to security footage of the Trayus Academy. What I saw almost caused my jaw to hit the floor... That was the same old woman we found on the Sith ship 1.5 weeks ago! No wonder I received a vision as soon as she finished speaking to me. I have to find out where they are keeping her and meet with her immediately!
I looked up and said, "Sera thank you for meeting with me, I appreciate it. Would it be possible for us to meet again on the Orion sometime? Please? I need more answers. Whatever I dreamed about last night could make everything we have fought for over the past 5 to 6 years be in vain. "
Sera agreed to meet with me and we finished our lunch discussing other subjects. Oh, and guess what? Bastila and her mother were there too! Her mom looks a lot better than when we saw her on Tatooine. When I asked Bastila about it over the comlink she explained that her mother found an excellent doctor and she would fully recover from her illness! I'm so glad that things are turning out well for some of my friends, and that I get to share in some of their happiness.
Hopefully this happiness will last. I must begin the search for my fallen Jedi Master tomorrow. According to the research I did when I went to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant later that day was that my first Master was Kreia, one of the many historians and chroniclers of the Jedi. It seems that the council exiled her after the Revanchist and I left to fight the Mandalorians because her teachings are what ultimately caused us to fall. Hmmm... I wonder if she was no more than a convenient scapegoat that the Jedi used, so that they would not have to examine why the Revanchist left and whether their decision to stay out of the Mandalorian Wars was a mistake...

Coruscant News at 6
The News Announcer begins to report, "Good evening and welcome to Coruscant News at 6! Today's biggest story is a prison break from the Spice Mines of Kessel that happened earlier today. Crew members from a Sith ship that were captured by the Jedi Knights Serea Apostolia, Bastila Shan, and Juhani were being held there for crimes against the Republic during the Jedi Civil War. We can only assume that these crew members were responsible because everyone else on the prison colony is dead. We now turn to one of our reporters on the street, Nova Ecosse."
The news shifts to the spice mines of Kessel where a news reporter, Nova Ecosse, begins to speak, "Hello everyone. On this tragic day at the prison colony on Kessel, hundreds of fine Republic officers and correctional officers were killed today by an unknown source. According to the Jedi sent to investigate, which included the Jedi formally known as Revan, found that there were no blaster fire or lightsaber injuries. Instead the personnel simply had their life force removed from them. Ah, there is Serea Apostolia... Serea, a word please?!"
Serea runs up to the reporter, who questions her, "So, Serea what can you tell me about this unfortunate incident? Have you been able to determine the motive behind these attacks?
Serea replied, "Simple, the culprit behind this only wanted the old woman who was taken away a long with her crew, as the entire crew is here, dead, except her..."
Nova Ecosse interrupts, "How could someone do something to this scale?"
Serea shakes her head and replies, "I honestly do not know... No one with the Sith who were under my command, including Malak, would be able to do something like this..."
Nova Ecosse interrupted again, "What's your plan of action?"
Serea replied, "I'm sorry but we cannot elaborate on this right now."
Nova Ecosse turned to the camera and continued, "Well, that's all we can learn about this incident at this point. This is Coruscant News, Kessel."

Jedi Temple Camera Recording
Revan was pacing in one of the rooms of the Jedi Temple. Juhani asked, "Revan, love, what is wrong?"
Revan replied,  "That old woman was my old Jedi Master, and she controlling whoever or whatever destroyed the prisons at Kessel."
Juhani was surprised. Revan had not given any indication that any more of her memories were coming back. Juhani inquired, "Love, how do you know this?"
Revan continued, "Sera Degana, the woman who was once my assassin, told me. She could have been part of the reason why I fell to the dark side!"
Juhani sighed,  "Can we not put your fall behind us, love? You are redeemed and you are no longer Darth Revan..."
Revan noticed the camera and leaned over and whispered, "Don't you remember the vision I told you about? What if my old master works for this Emperor? What if Kessel was just a warning about what is to come?"  
Juhani whispered in reply, "Then we must investigate what Sera told you and find your old master."
Revan shook her head, "Juhani, I would love to take you along, but I can't..."

Jedi Council Chambers, Session in Recording:
Bastila turned off the video recording and turned to the Jedi Masters standing before her, "That's when the camera gets cut off."
Master Vrook Lamar asks, "Who were their attackers?"
Bastila Shan continued, "I don't know, Master Vrook. However, other cameras show an old woman leading a bunch of men with cloaking devices into the Jedi Temple prior to this conversation... How is Juhani?"
Vandar replied, "She is in critical condition, but we believe she will recover. In the meantime, we must begin our search in order to find Revan at once."
Suddenly everyone seems to faint or fall over after feeling a terrible disturbance in the force.
Bastila tries to balance herself as she thinks, What... What was that?
The answer comes when a Republic Soldier via a comlink communicates to Master Vrook, "Jedi Masters, something has happened on the planet Kataar, the place where a secret Jedi Conclave was happening. There is no transmissions, no nothing... Everyone just died. Initial scans from droid intelligence shows that the planet is just dead..."
Master Vandar replied, "How did you know about our secret meeting on that planet? That was not supposed to be discovered."
Vrook replied, "There is a traitor in our midst! Bastila, this is something that the Jedi Council must deal with alone."
Bastila nodded, "As you wish, masters." Then leaves the temple.

Interrogation Chamber, Trayus Academy, Malachor V
Revan's consciousness was finally regained. As she became aware of her surroundings, she realized she was tied to a gunnery, "What- Where am I?"
An old woman spoke up from behind her, "Well, I see we meet again."
Revan replied, "Are you my old master? Why am I here? Where am I?"
The old woman continued, "I am your first master. You may call me Traya. You are on Malachor V at the Trayus Academy. Tell me, what do you remember about me?"
Revan replied, "Only a small vision."
Traya smiled, "Good, good; the Jedi haven't completely corrupted you."
Revan tried to look at her old master, "No, they redeemed me and rebuilt me. For that I am grateful. It was you corrupted me, Malak, and the Revanchist by introducing us to Sith teachings..."
Traya interrupted her, "From a certain point of view, perhaps. The truth is that the Jedi are the ones to blame for your fall, not me. After all, you would not have gone to fight the Mandalore if they had listened to the Republic's call."
Revan replied, "I suppose that's true. Still if it wasn't for them, I'd still be Darth Revan and terrorizing everyone."
Traya inquired, "Are you so sure that your goal was to terrorize everyone?"
Revan replied, "I'm not sure."
Traya replied, "You will in time. Guards take her to her chamber!"

Entry 6, 1 week After Being on Malachor V (ABMV)
It's been a week since I've been here. I have been treated well by the guards, fed excellent meals, and so far I have not been harmed. I'd like to believe that this is because my former master wants to give me the highest of comforts, but I know that this cannot be true. Traya has been corrupted by the dark side. I could feel it in that torture chamber and I can feel it every time she comes to talk to me. None of those talks have been interrogations but simple questions about what I remembered about the Mandalorian Wars and prior to Malak's betrayal during the Jedi Civil War. Unfortunately I cannot give her much as only a few of my memories had returned up to this point.  A part of me wants to trust her as she has clearly tried to make my stay as comfortable as possible but I know her "good deeds" just cover an ulterior agenda.
Perhaps she is not harming me because she knows that simply being on Malachor is enough to break me.   Recently I've been receiving several more visions of the Mandalorian Wars. I'm so overwhelmed by them... I can see myself slowly but surely falling to the dark side one battle at a time. I'm not sleeping as well as I should and I barely eat what's placed in front of me. What did I do to this planet? Why can I not be free from these dreams?

Revan Journals, and Serea Apostolia [c] vadess40
Serea Degana, Kobayashi, and Brotherhood of Shadow [c] silveredge9
Female Darth Revan and KOTOR [c] Bioware and LucasArts 
Darth Traya [c] Obsidian and LucasArts

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