Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Truth about Human Beings

This blog article is going be blunt and full of emotion. It'll even have some coarse language, but I don't care. Why this surge of emotion? I am done, just done with the whole "God is a violent God who kills innocent children and condones genocide" and the whole lot that comes out of this anti-Christian crowd. This talk is proof that human beings are really a bunch of idiots. Furthermore we are blind idiots (I say we because I'm a blind idiot too). There is no simply reason for us to yell at God for all the "violence" He's committed against the His creation, because human beings started it. We were the first to be violent and we have dished out violence since the beginning; violence from God is just Him giving us a good taste of our own medicine.

Human beings have been around for 100,000 years at most; what do we have to say for ourselves? NOTHING!!!! We, whether via the fall or human evolution, are nothing but  evil beings who destroy ourselves, other people, and/or creation. Our only truly innocent days are 0 to 3years, give or take a few. There are no "innocent kids", there are no perfectly "innocent people". There are greedy people; lying people; adulterous and sexually immoral people; murdering people; infanticide and genocide committing people; rude people and obnoxious people; racist, sexist, prejudice, classist,  and homophobic people. There are no innocent people. What's the story of human evolution at the end of the day? Animals who evolved after years of  greed, violence, murder to emerge as the survivor of the fittest.

If I added up all the violence committed by God in the Bible and throughout human history, it would never add up or even come close to what human beings have done against God, against each other, and against creation ever since they walked across the face of the earth. Don't you humans get it?! The only reason God judes anyone is because people are sinful, violent creatures.

For example, why did Noah's flood happen? It wasn't because He wanted to see what the earth would be like as a giant swimming pool, or because people were getting too loud. The earth was struck by a global flood because God was so sick and tired of all the violence, greed, and all the sin that humans were doing on earth, that His loving grace ran out. Don't tell me: God included all the little innocent kids in the flood. There are no innocent kids. Visit a school yard sometime; you won't find the innocent kids. Kids are the reason why I dreaded going to elementary school. They're why some people commit suicide in their teen years, or younger. No, kids aren't innocent, they just have less resources. The kids who died in the flood weren't innocent or there were no kids because sinful human beings killed them all.  The fact that God bothered to spare Noah and his family is amazing, considering none of them were innocent either, they were just the only family left that followed God. We do read after the flood in Genesis 9 that Noah was a drunk, and Ham was a rude, gossiping back stabber.

Another example is the conquering of Canaan in the book of Joshua. The people who lived in the promised land before Israel weren't innocent either. They practice the grossest of sexual immorality, incest, and bestiality; they practiced child sacrifice; they worshiped some of the most cruel and perverse false gods; and if you bothered to read outside sources during that time period, you would find that nobody liked them because they were that's how bad those people were. 

 I fail to see how we can look at God and look at themselves and keep coming to the same conclusion that God's the one who is always at fault over and over and over. WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE THE PROBLEM AND WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE AT FAULT. THE PROBLEM IS US HUMANS, NOT CREATOR GOD. God doesn't owe us anything, He doesn't have to apologize for anything, and He certainly does not have to answer for anything. Sometimes I think the only "mistake" that God made was creating human beings. The fact that He did astounds me to know end. Doesn't matter how He did it (evolution or 6 days), the point is He did and I still think He's crazy, because He continues to put up with us. 

When I about the legacy human beings have left creation, especially the legacy of the past 100-150 years, I'm amazed God didn't wipe us completely off the face of the earth when He sent the flood. Look at the past 100-150 years: 2 world wars, millions of wars in between, weapons of mass destruction that could wipe out billions of people in a matter of seconds, human greed just making the poor poorer, gross social injustices, genocides in Rwanda and Germany, the worst forms of racism (South African Apartheid, southern US), and atrocities committed by Atheist governments like Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and Communist China. Even God's kids can't behave themselves in this world: Crusades, worse attacks against everyone basically, corruption in all denominations, Antisemitism, and some of the worst and most oppressive forms of patriarchy. See? The only thing we is a one way trip to hell.

The only reason some of us are not so bad is that we were born in the right place at the right time and in the right situation, but not even that saves us. Can we even go live through 24 hours without looking lustfully at someone, coveting material possessions, or telling a lie? No, we can't. There are no innocent bystanders, except for Jesus. I think the only reason why Jesus was completely sinless, no evil bone in His body or thought or feeling in His heart, is because He is fully God.  Jesus didn't deserve Good Friday. God the Father didn't deserve Good Friday. God the Holy Spirit didn't deserve Good Friday. God the Son, in the person of Jesus Christ, didn't deserve to come to earth at all. He deserved to be in heaven and enjoy complete and full fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Finally, God in Three Persons DOES NOT deserve any of this bullshit that His creatures keep throwing at Him, whether in their actions, their words or their deeds. 

How can we be so blind to what our species is really like? We can't even take 100% responsibility for our actions, even when it is clearly and 100% caught on tape; just read the stupid apology one woman made after she was caught on camera stealing clothing from a men's store during the Vancouver riots. The Bible is not a story about the violent, tyrannical, sinful God. It's about the tyrannical, sinful, violent human race and their graceful Creator who unbelievably decided to pull them out of the pit they dug themselves because that's how loving and gracious He is. 

If God were to wipe us all off the face of the earth, creation wouldn't suffer at all. In fact, I think it would  breathe a sigh of relief and cheer. I wouldn't complain if God wiped us all off the face of the earth; serves us right. I didn't even deserve to be born, never mind being able to sit down and write this blog article. The fact that I'm alive now doesn't make sense. The fact that I have anything doesn't make sense. The fact that I'm in a relationship with the Triune God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ doesn't make sense. 

Good Friday would have made sense if Jesus had used His divine abilities to wipe us all of the face of the earth. Instead, He came to earth to suffer and die and pay the penalty for our sin that day. That's why God is unfair and why He doesn't make sense. God makes sense when He punishes and gives people exactly what their sins deserved. He doesn't make sense when He shows anyone grace and/or provides any way of salvation.  God doesn't make sense and He isn't fair. That's why He is so wonderful, loving, gracious, unbelievable yet believable, and SO worthy of all the worship and praise that people and creatures and angelic beings in all creation dish out... I'm amazed God even allows me to do that because, I'm sure I suck at it!

Jesus, if I ever complain and say Oh, God is so violent and He is such a tyrant, etc. I hope you just kill me immediately.  Hurl lightening bolts, hit me with a car, make a be-header appear, or whatever just as long as I'm dead within the hour. I'm dead serious, no pun intended. No, the moment a complaint like that comes out, that's be it for me. Jesus, You, the Father, and the Spirit do not deserve any this. There should be rows and rows of books that contain us humans complaining about ourselves; not us complaining about You, the Triune God; but us complaining about ourselves. God rocks and is wonderful and loving because He created us, spared us, and provided a way of salvation for us for no reason other than  that He loves us. We suck, because we decided to follow in the footsteps of our first parents, Adam and Eve,  and rebel against God and make God and His creation go through hell and back. The only thing that can, save, and is saving, our sorry asses is our Creator, the gracious and loving God. If He wasn't gracious and loving, we would all be 100% doomed, dead, and in hell.

BTW, if you don't like violent a God, don't be a sinful and violent person. If you can't take it, don't dish it!! And that goes for you too, Andrena!!!

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