Saturday, June 16, 2012

Carivibe 2012 Review

There is no doubt that Canada is a multicultural country and it celebrates its multiculturalism in many ways. In the nation's capital, Ottawa, Carivibe is one of the ways it is celebrated. In its third year running, Carivibe celebrates Ottawa's Caribbean people through various local Caribbean artists, Caribbean food and the selling of many Caribbean souvenirs, such as flags and CDs. When I attended the festival today, I got to breathe in some of my heritage, as my dad is from Dominica.

Positive Aspects of the Festival:
The festival drew in many people who are from the Caribbean Islands from the Dominican Republic/Haiti to Barbados.  It gives the people a chance to mingle and celebrate their culture together. Many non-Caribbean citizens also made the journey towards Petry Island in Orleans, an Ottawa community, to dance to the music and get a taste of Caribbean life. So, the bringing of people from all cultures not only celebrated the Caribbean but showed how Canada is a country that is welcoming to all people.

What was provided at the festival was good. They had many Caribbean artists that knew how to get the audience dancing. They offered Caribbean food that wasn't shy to be a bit a spicy but not too spicy so that many people unfamiliar with it would be turned away. And of course, they also had a station selling traditional Canadian food, like poutine and hot dogs. I think it was good because I'm sure some people there might be used to Caribbean food, and may like to have some Canadian/Western food for a change. Finally, they had booths that sold various jewelry and Caribbean flags.

So, it was an overall a good presentation and celebration of Caribbean culture and its community in Canada's capital. 

Negative Aspects of the Festival:
 The disorganization of the festival was a huge draw back, especially when it came to parking. There was a city bus rented to be a shuttle between the nearest Park and Ride and the festival on Petry Island. There was no big field for everyone to park their cars, in fact there was no place near the area for people to park their cars, and the park and ride was small to say the least.  So for next year, definitely have a better place for people to park their cars, like a big parking lot plus a park and ride, and have more than one shuttle bus.

The second thing is the rules. First, if you left the festival you had to lose your bracelet and then pay to get back in. This is a problem regarding my final problem, there was no place for people to smoke. This is not the fact that I smoke, but some of the people I was there with did and the festival didn't really cater to them. The place was non-smoking, and if someone wanted to smoke they'd have to leave and then pay to get back in. Not to mention the security didn't even bother enforcing that rule. One officer would talk to one guy then completely ignore the others who were smoking in the same area. What's the point in having a rule that you don't enforce?

Overall, it was a very good festival. It just needs to re-evaluate how it is organized and hire security that will enforce the rules. 

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