Saturday, December 10, 2011

Revan's Legacy

Author: me, vadess40
Game: Knights of the Old Republic
Characters: Female Darth Revan
Disclaimer: Originally posted here. Female Darth Revan and KOTOR belong to Bioware and LucasArts

As I gaze upon the valley
And see the tombs of the Sith Lords of old
My heart becomes quite heavy
And sadness takes hold

I look upon the work of my hands
Students digging for treasures
That are hidden deep within these dark lands
Oblivious to their enslavement to the darkness' pleasures

I am Revan
What I see is a results of my plans
Plans that are long forgotten
And must be destroyed and brought to a bitter end

I am a Jedi and I regret my former dark life
If only I had not fallen in deep space
Then these students would not be at this place,
And they wouldn't be lost in this twisted world of deception and strife

I was the Dark Lady Revan
I was once their empress and leader
Now all they see in me is a pathetic seeker
A hopeful, who just wants what Revan lost to her betrayer

I am the Jedi Revan
I will not seek revenge
I will only see justice served
For those on Telos and Taris who died by Darth Revan's word

No, I cannot deny what I once was
But I will not embrace it either!
I will fight it with all my strength
A strength that must not wither!

I am Revan
I was Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith
I was the Sith Empire's Queen
Hopefully my legacy can be redeemed

I am Revan
Now I am reborn
Now I am a Jedi
Hopefully I can be forgiven in the galaxy's eye

Follow up to my Countless Droplets of Power. So in KOTOR Revan can either be redeemed or fall back to the dark side again. For my play through, she chooses the light side and is redeemed. So, this poem takes place between after she learns the truth and the ultimate no turning back choice. Enjoy!

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