Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Capital Punishment in the USA: Day of Execution

In the United States of America 38 states execute prisoners who are guilty of capital murder or murder in the first degree. First Degree Murder is usually charged for aggravated murder or when the murder was combined with another offence, such as sexual assault or robbery. Right now, the methods of execution are lethal injection, the electric chair, the gas chamber, and/or firing squad. The most common method is lethal injection. There are a couple of YouTube videos that take us on a walk through of lethal injection and how it is carried out, which I will be posting below.  The next most common method is the electric chair, which is still practices in a few States, and one of the videos will record some of the botched executions of the two methods.

Execution by Lethal Injection
What Happens on Execution Day:

Brief History and Examples of Botched Executions

Movie: Dead Man Walking Execution Scene

Execution by the Electric Chair
What happens on Execution Day:
Brief History and Examples of Botched Executions

Does it bring Peace to the victims?
VA Man sees Wife's Killer Executed

Execution Film
Even if a state condemns a person to death, God still holds the keys to life and death. One example of how He intervened is in the life of William (Billy) Neal Moore. He was on death row for 16 years for armed robbery and murder. During his stay, ministers came to him and introduced him to Jesus Christ. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and was baptized in prison. As the apostle Paul said, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (2Corinthians 5:17).

He was not executed by the electric chair. Instead the parole board commuted his sentence to a life sentence and then released him in 1992. To them, the other inmates, and even Mother Theresa he was no longer the condemned murder but a saved Christian. Right now he is in Rome, Georgia serving as a pastor. Proof that Jesus Christ can change even the worst members of society.

Video Interviews with Billy Moore
Interview with Billy Moore

Billy Moore's Life Story in Development with Ghost Rider Pictures

Finally, here's a link to an article about him- http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/apr/23/prisonsandprobation. He is also featured in Lee Stroble's Case for Faith, which is the sequel to Case for Christ.

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