Monday, June 18, 2012

Smoking in Bus Shelters

When I was living in Kitchener, I relied on the Grand River Transit (GRT) to get me from point A to point B. The majority of those bus trips were in the winter time. Although Kitchener's winters are milder then other parts of ON, there were still days where I felt the icy wind sting my cheeks and almost solidify my legs to icicles. During those waits I often waited in the bus shelters. During some of the waiting periods, I smelt something odd and unpleasant. When I turned around to look, I saw someone smoking in the bus shelter in spite of the sign across the front of the shelter that says no smoking.

I think those signs in Kitchener are there for decoration. Whether it is a beautiful and warm sunny day, or a rainy and miserable one, I sometimes still saw people sitting in the bus shelter smoking.  I have even read tweets from people on Twitter, such as @crushnaut, catching GRT drivers smoking in non-smoking areas. Not only are these drivers, the ones who are supposed to be obeying the rules, enabling people to break them but are almost rendering the rules null and void. This whole issue of people smoking in areas where it is prohibited is a problem.

Why is it a problem? It's not problem because they are just breaking the rules. It's a problem because those smokers really are being disrespectful of the people around them in many ways. First, they know as well as the rest of us that smoking in an enclosed area is not good for people's health. This is why it is illegal to smoke in a car with a minor in it. By releasing second hand smoke into an enclosed area, a smoker is exposing everyone that's in it to much more second hand smoke then they would if they were smoking outside.

Second, the smokers are making a very big bet that the people in the bus shelter with them will not be bothered by it. I don't mean simply not liking the smell, but I mean people who could severely react to it. For example, one of my friends who has severe couldn't stay in a bus shelter in the winter time when it was really cold in Kitchener and the wind was brutal, because someone was smoking in it. On another day she had to stand outside during a down pour in the fall because again someone was smoking in the bus shelter. By smoking in the shelter, smokers could risk threatening someone's life because they'd much rather smoke inside then outside. What if someone with lung cancer, a severe case of asthma, or worse walks into the shelter?

Third, they are endangering the health of children. As I said above, it is illegal to smoke in a car when a minor is in it. Children in many ways are more prone to severe health problems, like developing asthma, because their lungs and other organs are not fully developed and matured to be able to withstand this sort of thing. Once I saw a person start to smoke in a bus shelter that was also occupied with a woman and her baby while it was raining. What could the woman do? Her baby can't be exposed to the rain, but the bus shelter isn't safe anymore because someone is smoking.

To me, failing to comply is in many ways failing to be a modeled citizen, and is inconsiderate . As for GRT drivers, this is showing poor customer service, because you aren't respecting the well being of your passengers when you smoke in areas that you're workplace deems is inexcusable.

What can be done about this? First, I think smokers in Kitchener need to obey the law. They are not allowed to smoke in bus shelters ever. Second, I think GRT needs to start obeying and enforcing the law. Smokers wouldn't do it if they couldn't get away with it. Third, I think they need to make bus shelters that people can smoke in. I don't think it's fair for smokers to endanger others by smoking in bus shelters but I don't think they need to suffer out in the rain, wind or snow either. Rather, I think that GRT should provide some kind of shelter for them to go and smoke in peace without worrying about the elements or harming the people around them.

If there are smoking and non-smoking bus shelters, then everyone has a place to hide under when the weather isn't doing so well. Though I suppose smoker's could wait until they got home, for example, to smoke, it is still nice to have the option. Those bus shelters are there so that customers don't have to wait and be exposed tot he weather, so there must be a way to have them so they don't exclude anyone. When smokers smoke in shelters, which by law exclude smokers already, it inevitably excludes people who would be severely hurt, if not killed, if they are exposed to second hand smoke. Giving smokers would remove that exclusion.

Example of my Academic Writing

Essay for the Holy Spirit and the Church Final Exam

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and Jesus in order to be with the church and keep it together. The Spirit is God with the individual and God with the New Covenant people. Through the Holy Spirit, some of the New Covenant promises are fulfilled during a believer’s earthly life. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is God’s seal of salvation on the believer guaranteeing that they will experience the New Covenant fulfilled when Jesus comes back. 

The Holy Spirit works in the pre-Christian heart. The Spirit prepares the person for Jesus and the Father to reside in their heart through the Spirit, and the person to have a relationship with God. This is what happened at Pentecost: through the Spirit, the Father and Jesus could be with their people and take possession of the church despite being in heaven and the people could experience the presence of God as Trinity. Through the Spirit’s ministry people are brought into the New Covenant because He is the one that causes re-birth. During a believer’s lifetime the Holy Spirit sanctifies them and ensures that they grow in Christ. 

The Holy Spirit is who enables a person to have communion with the Triune God because He is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit does this in many ways such as through the reading of the written Word, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer. The Spirit also enables the individual and the church to persevere in the faith. Without Him there would be no Christian faith and no church because the followers of Christ would never have grown beyond themselves or endured the centuries.

The Holy Spirit is the one who drives the mission of the church. The mission of the church, as described in Matthew 28:18-20, is to make disciples and teach those disciples what Jesus taught. Many people answer the call and go across oceans and cultures in order to bring the Gospel to the nations. These missionaries face many hardships, such as rejection, persecution, and culture shock in order to fulfill the church’s mission. For many, the Holy Spirit is the only reason why they entered into the mission field. From calling Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:2 to sending missionaries to the Middle East, the Holy Spirit drives them forward and continues to call people in the church to go and preach the Word to people who have never heard it before.
Finally, the Spirit helps to connect spiritual realities with contemporary realities. The church can seem like it is anything but what it is supposed to be on a bad day. It can be quarrelsome, arrogant, intolerant and closed minded, hypocritical, and a big waste of time. Further, it seems to do a good job of disobeying the Bible it claims to base its standards on. As it divides into hundreds and hundreds of denominations, it seems that it is destined to fall apart.  Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will keep that from happening.

 The Holy Spirit that brings understanding into what the church truly is. In spite of outwardly sinful behavior, the church is holy because it is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  Despite being divided, Christians are still a part of the people of God, the church of Christ and the fellowship of the Spirit. Only through the Spirit can an individual remain active within the Christian faith and maintain these things in balance and attempt to help the church maintain its image and mandate, despite humanity’s failings. 

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and of Christ. Through Him, God’s people maintain an intimate relationship with God and participate in the New Covenant. The Spirit brings people into communion with Christ and enables them to fulfill the mission He gave His people. Without the Spirit, the church would have closed its doors long ago. Therefore, the Spirit should worshiped  and praise because He is God and He has directly endured two thousand years of blessing and heartache as He guides, teaches, and comforts God’s people toward the consummation of history at return of Jesus Christ, and beyond.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Carivibe 2012 Review

There is no doubt that Canada is a multicultural country and it celebrates its multiculturalism in many ways. In the nation's capital, Ottawa, Carivibe is one of the ways it is celebrated. In its third year running, Carivibe celebrates Ottawa's Caribbean people through various local Caribbean artists, Caribbean food and the selling of many Caribbean souvenirs, such as flags and CDs. When I attended the festival today, I got to breathe in some of my heritage, as my dad is from Dominica.

Positive Aspects of the Festival:
The festival drew in many people who are from the Caribbean Islands from the Dominican Republic/Haiti to Barbados.  It gives the people a chance to mingle and celebrate their culture together. Many non-Caribbean citizens also made the journey towards Petry Island in Orleans, an Ottawa community, to dance to the music and get a taste of Caribbean life. So, the bringing of people from all cultures not only celebrated the Caribbean but showed how Canada is a country that is welcoming to all people.

What was provided at the festival was good. They had many Caribbean artists that knew how to get the audience dancing. They offered Caribbean food that wasn't shy to be a bit a spicy but not too spicy so that many people unfamiliar with it would be turned away. And of course, they also had a station selling traditional Canadian food, like poutine and hot dogs. I think it was good because I'm sure some people there might be used to Caribbean food, and may like to have some Canadian/Western food for a change. Finally, they had booths that sold various jewelry and Caribbean flags.

So, it was an overall a good presentation and celebration of Caribbean culture and its community in Canada's capital. 

Negative Aspects of the Festival:
 The disorganization of the festival was a huge draw back, especially when it came to parking. There was a city bus rented to be a shuttle between the nearest Park and Ride and the festival on Petry Island. There was no big field for everyone to park their cars, in fact there was no place near the area for people to park their cars, and the park and ride was small to say the least.  So for next year, definitely have a better place for people to park their cars, like a big parking lot plus a park and ride, and have more than one shuttle bus.

The second thing is the rules. First, if you left the festival you had to lose your bracelet and then pay to get back in. This is a problem regarding my final problem, there was no place for people to smoke. This is not the fact that I smoke, but some of the people I was there with did and the festival didn't really cater to them. The place was non-smoking, and if someone wanted to smoke they'd have to leave and then pay to get back in. Not to mention the security didn't even bother enforcing that rule. One officer would talk to one guy then completely ignore the others who were smoking in the same area. What's the point in having a rule that you don't enforce?

Overall, it was a very good festival. It just needs to re-evaluate how it is organized and hire security that will enforce the rules.