Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Response to the Canadian Political Parties English Debate

So, I watched the 2h debate between the Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, and Bloc Quebecois on CBC and I have to admit I was disappointed with it. I like watching debates during an election because in theory I should learn why I should vote for one party over another. If this was a one-on-one debate, then I would not mind if heard constant criticism of the current government as long as it was coupled with why I should elect a new one. However, it was 4 people debating and all I really heard was why I should not vote for one person.

As questions were asked, it started as a one-on-one debate between two of the party leaders for 6 minutes and then it expanded to the other parties. I found that one-on-one's always came back to attacking Stephen Harper, and this included the one-on-one debates he was not in! Sometimes the debate went completely off-topic that they may as well had no questions being asked at all. Furthermore, I found that it was not really a debate at all but a gang-up on Stephen Harper. To me this is not fair because a good debater should be able to acknowledge the positive and negative aspects of what or who they are opposing.

For example, I don't like the Star Wars prequels and I'll gladly defend my dislike for them in a debate. However, I can say that John William's score for them was amazing, I really enjoyed how Mustafar and Naboo turned out, and the make-up/cosmetic transformation from Chancellor to Emperor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker to burnt up Darth Vader were very well done. I can affirm these positive things about the prequels even though I hate them.

In this debate I heard again and again why I should not vote for Stephen Harper. Yet no one acknowledged that under Harper Canada faired a lot better than any other country during the recession. It would have looked better if the parties affirmed that and then said how they could improve upon it. Instead they keep coming back to where Stephen Harper failed and why I should not vote for him. Why can't  you guys can tell me why I should vote for you and what you want to do for Canada if elected? 

The political parties need to stop bashing the current Prime Minister all the time during debates. Debating is the time to balance between the problems with the old government and why I should choose them to form the new one.On May 2 I don't who to vote for; I only know that I should not vote for Stephen Harper if the NDP, Bloc, and Liberals had their way. Well, OK, I know who I'm going to vote for but the debate really had little to no influence on my choice at all. If anything, it made me wonder if the best choice is to fire all of our politicians and find new ones.