Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Darkness- A Poem

I wrote this poem to express a day when I went through an intense spiritual battle. There is a lot of imagery in this, so don't take everything literally. I did allude to the Scriptures a bit. If you want a back story to some of the allusions, read Hosea and Ezekiel, and Romans 7-8.  Another good Scripture to read is Psalm 88. If you need specifics, please ask what something means in it, instead of making your own assumptions!

The Darkness- A Poem by Andrena LeBlanc
The darkness
It is tempting because its easy
You can hide your deeds and thoughts
Despite knowing that God will always see
And still to it I flee

The mantle of darkness cools the soul,
Hardens the heart and quickens mortality's toll
Yet is a fun and pleasurable fold
I hate it, yet I love it

I could remove what it feeds on:
Keep the lights on always and tear down whats on my walss
But something else will just come along and make me fall
Oh how tainted is my love for the darkness
I want its shadows but I hate them and their leader

How can I love what I hate?
My darkness, my sin killed Jesus
Jesus is my only love, my only purpose, my only identity
Yet, I crawl into bed with His killers

I hate sin and the dark
Yet I sleep with it and revel in its pleasures and passions
I walk away and feel sick after the encounter
Already death was conceived by it

Who are you, O world, to say darkness and sin is right?!
How dare you recruit and attempt to bring me back to your prison!
Your sin and darkness killed Jesus
If I could, I would never return to your brothel of sin, death, and darkness

The darkness, the darkness
O Lord when will I be free from it?
When will you return and set your followers free?
This thorn of darkness is so hard to bear
Yet, I have no where else to go but to You

The world can't help, it's under the dark
I can't go to the church, your bride will just show me the door
I can only go to you, the rock of my salvation

O darkness, if I could I wouldn't put up with your crap again
No more nights of forbidden passions
No more nights of conceiving darkness and death
Yet it is inevitable that I reutnr to your brothel again...

I sneak out, even though I know my Lover already knows where I am going
The adultery will happen and sin and darkness will be conceived and they will give birth to death
Sin and darkness blind me to my Lover's distance when I come home

Then the darkness turns and whispers:
"How could you betray and deny your Lover like this? Your no good!"
"You are nothing but an adulteress!"
Then I hear the Accuser say to my Father, "Your daughter just cheated on your Son!"
Look, here comes my Lover- What will He say?!

"My dear, come here."
"Yes, Lord Jesus?""What have you done?"
"I have sinned. I don't deserve to be with You anymore."

Jesus then turns to His Father:
"Father, she is with mme. It is finished."
Then He turns to the Accuser:
"you are the one who led her astray. She is Mine, not yours!"
 Then Jesus says to me:
"You are forgiven. Go and sin no more."

Thank you Lord for Your forgiveness
Thank you for dying to save me from Satan, darkness, sin, and death
Even though my sin leads me to unwanted places, I am still Yours
I will only follow You
Prayse God for the Holy Spirit, who leads me from the darkness into the light!!

O what a wretched woman I am!
Who will save from this body-
And from this world of Satan, sin, darkness, and death?
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!
