Monday, December 27, 2010

Poem: Struggles at Home

Struggles at Home
I want to connect and show that I care
But it seems in the end I run away
When I am with you there is always a wall
That is always a scale too tall

I try to tell you how I feel
There is so much I want to reveal
But in the end I back away
No longer do I want to stay

I try to explain
What it is that brings me pain
But in the end it is I
Whom you lay a lot of the blame

Why can't you see me?
Why can't my words get through
You are so closed to me
So closed...

This poem is what I feel
It contains no symbols or seals
Yet you probably won't understand a word
I guess to you they're just meaningless terms

I love you and I want our relationship to be better
Than why can't I reach you?!
Why can't you hear me?
Sometimes I think you hate me

But I know you love me
Even though sometimes it doesn't show
It's something I don't always know
I wish it was something you would more often show

I love you and I want to love you more
I want to be your best friend
Then why can't we connect?
Why can't I love you more?
Why can't I see that you love me more?
